About Sharon

Hi I'm Sharon, thank you for visiting my website, I am an artist, living and working in Tilehurst, Reading in the UK, and I mainly work on stone and canvas, my inspiration is mental health, mental wellness, animals, nature, the environment and life in general!


My life revolves around painting, my chihuahuas Brad and Ivy and my birds Stuart and Linus.


I have painted and made stuff my whole life, even in infant school I knew I wanted to be an artist, mental health issues have held me back, stopped me from going to university (although I did study art at college), meant I struggled to hold down 'normal' jobs and have isolated me from the world...so I paint, alot, I create wellness stones which will hopefully bring a little strength to others, I enjoy painting objects but I love working with colour combinations to create patterns, that is what I have always loved since childhood. If you love my work enough to buy it please know that it was created with love, you are supporting my dream and helping me to be independent (and pay for my therapy)!